Regulating Emotion the DBT Way™ 30 Nov 2024

Basma Kilani
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Course Description

Training Description: 

he role of strengthening emotion regulation skills falls to the individual therapist. Clients may have read about emotion regulation or learned the skills in DBT group, but still tend to over-rely on distraction or distress tolerance when these skills are called for in everyday life. In this workshop, delegates will learn the moment-by-moment steps involved in coaching the client to regulate an emotion. The facilitator will share some top tips on managing the common pitfalls in upregulating or downregulating each emotion to fit the facts. Delegates will be shown how to troubleshoot to ensure the client has genuinely grasped the skill. Suitable for DBT and other therapists working with clients who have dysregulated emotion.

This training is designed for all mental health professional who:

  • Work in a therapeutic role and would like to learn more about coaching emotion regulation.
  • Are currently delivering DBT Skills and would like to receive advanced training on the Emotion Regulation Skill.

This training is delivered by Dr Christine Dunkley. Dr Dunkley is a consultant psychotherapist with the British Isles DBT training team, and the co-founder and first chair of the SfDBT. She has over 20 publications including books on mindfulness, and articles in British, American and European psychotherapy journals. Her research paper, “Hearing the Suicidal Patient’s Emotional Pain” is the number one ‘most read’ article in ‘Crisis’, the journal of the International Association for Suicide Prevention. She wrote the chapter on conceptual and practical issues in the application of emotion regulation in the Oxford Handbook of DBT (ed. M. Swales.) She also sat on the expert reference group for Personality Disorders at UCL.


No prerequisites needed to join this course but it is advisable to have some previous training in DBT

Price: 600 USD

Trainers: Basma Kilani

Language: Arabic 

Location:  Online Via Zoom 


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